Meetings With Impact: How Leaders Create Strategic Conversations For Change
Recorded On: 08/18/2016
It's probably one of the most important skills that they don't teach at universities. Or anywhere else. How to design strategic conversations that lead to change.
Strategic conversations are necessary when stakes are high, answers are unclear and the participants are expected to create real insights together—rather than play out prepared scripts—across organizational boundaries.
Many today face major shifts in business models and increase competitive pressures. The standard meeting or brainstorming sessions won't cut it. They are not sufficient for dealing with messy, open-ended challenges. They fail to deliver the all-in participation that's required to wrestle with tough issues. They invite participants to stay and play within their established roles.
Designing strategic conversations is a craft—not a crapshoot. It can catapult a “been there, done that" meeting into a gathering that few will forget. It's about eradicating as many time-sucking, energy-depleting strategy meetings as possible. And replacing them with inspiring productive strategic conversations. It engages participants not just analytically but creatively and emotionally as well.
After attending this session participants will be able to:
- 1.Define how a VUCA World creates boundaries and parameters that must be addressed.
- 2.Discuss how adaptive challenges call for adaptive leadership.
- 3.Identify the steps needed in the art and science of designing strategic conversations.

Jeff Hurt
EVP, Education and Engagement
Jeff Hurt joined Velvet Chainsaw Consulting in January 2010 and currently serves as Executive Vice President, Education and Engagement. In 2012, he was recognized as the PCMA Educator of the Year. Jeff has worked in leadership roles with five associations, five government organizations and several companies in the education, events and meetings departments, including Meetings Professionals International and Promotional Products Association International, one of the top 50 shows in the industry.He is considered one of the leading authorities in the meetings industry on adult education, conference design, digital events and social media for events and associations. He speaks and blogs frequently about meeting and technology trends, the future of conference education, adult learning and all things meetings at
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