The Highly Energized And Engaged Conference Experience
Recorded On: 09/20/2016
Engagement is obviously a central aspect of an energized and effective conference experience. If your conference participants are not engaged with your experience, what chance will they have at improving their job performance? Conference participant engagement starts as a result of the conference organizers careful planning and execution of specific strategies. Using the strategies identified in this presentation, every conference professional can create event experiences where engagement is the norm, not the exception.
After attending this presentation, the participant will be able to:
- Identify the four questions conference organizers must address that participants will ask themselves.
- Discuss why conference experiences must have a high level of inclusive, interactive energy experiences.
- Discover practical strategies that translate engagement research and theory into conference experience practice.

Jeff Hurt
EVP, Education and Engagement
Jeff Hurt joined Velvet Chainsaw Consulting in January 2010 and currently serves as Executive Vice President, Education and Engagement. In 2012, he was recognized as the PCMA Educator of the Year. Jeff has worked in leadership roles with five associations, five government organizations and several companies in the education, events and meetings departments, including Meetings Professionals International and Promotional Products Association International, one of the top 50 shows in the industry.He is considered one of the leading authorities in the meetings industry on adult education, conference design, digital events and social media for events and associations. He speaks and blogs frequently about meeting and technology trends, the future of conference education, adult learning and all things meetings at
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